Team Affiliation/Hyperverse update 


Many Hyperverse Members have been reaching out as of late and requesting an update on where things are with Hyperverse.

It appears that many members have been completely “out of the loop” for over a year, with where “we stand” as it relates to our decision to no longer to be involved with Hyperverse.

With that being said we have hosted 4 different update calls over the past several months and many of you have never attended any of the calls and recently have just tried to log in just to discover what hundreds of thousands of us have been discussing for over 9 months… what’s going on with hyperverse and the money that we invested.

Below you’ll find the most recent update call that we hosted back in Jan.

We have also included the most recent update call from the CEO, Sam Lee.

In this video, Mr. Lee explain the gameplan to ensure everyone gets a minimum of what they originally invested into Hyperverse.

As far as any further updates, we recommend plugging into the official Hyperverse social media pages. (See Below)

*We wish that we could provide more definitive answers, but like you, we are also in the dark, and are looking for answers as well.

If we hear anything else we will pass it along, but if you haven’t heard from us then there’s no need to continue to ask us for updates, because we aren’t being provided any either.

Much Success,

Team Affiliation

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